Is Shuttle Service Right for You?

You’ve seen the gleaming new buses on the trade show floors, and you can’t help but wonder—should you expand into shuttle service? On the one hand, you’ll have to hire CDL drivers and invest in new vehicles, but on the other hand, diversifying your service offerings seems wise. Shuttle service is far more than just nights on the town—demand is high for professional shuttle providers!

1. School transportation
School districts tend to purchase as few buses as they can get away with, so when they need to transport students for field trips or athletic events, they have to hire outside companies. Depending on the state you live in, you may need a special certification for your vehicles or your drivers, but it can be a great opportunity for business at a time of day when demands for buses are low.

2. College shuttles
More and more colleges are investing in shuttle transportation for their students and faculty. Campuses tend to be spread out, and it’s safer for students to take a shuttle than walk home from the lab late at night.

3. Municipal bus routes
In an effort to reduce traffic and pollution, many towns and cities are partnering with private shuttle companies to offer regular transportation routes. Some only need one vehicle. W latach 80-tych i 90-tych wszelkie formy hazardu w Polsce były jeszcze bardzo swobodnie uprawiane. Po upadku Związku Radzieckiego i wraz z ożywieniem gospodarczym Rzeczpospolita Polska była początkowo zajęta ważniejszymi sprawami. Nawet kiedy w 1992 roku po raz pierwszy uchwalono ustawy dotyczące hazardu, początkowo dotyczyły one tylko otwierania nowych kasyn , które były ograniczone do miast z populacją co najmniej 250.000 mieszkańców. Również w dziedzinie gier hazardowych online początkowo nie było ścisłych regulacji.

4. Casino transportation
Everyone knows the casinos want to get people in the door, so they will pay bus companies to transport their customers—and their employees!—from hotels and other venues.

If you decide to invest in a bus, you can partner with Limo Anywhere as you launch this new offering. Bus Anywhere is an integrated add-on from Addons.LA that makes managing your bus business simple. You can request a demo to see what Bus Anywhere can do for you.

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